Day 7: The long drive home begins

Aren't you supposed to sleep in on vacation? We got up at 5:00 again and were on the road by 6:00. We had planned to do a bike ride in Tehachapi, CA, but as I drove through, there was a black cloud hanging low over the entire area, and the temperature was 39 degrees. I woke John from his nap and he concurred that we should skip it.

Our goal was Redding, CA, and by 2:00, it was clear we would make it, so I used my phone to find an Airbnb in Redding. I was able to get us a cute one-room cottage on a ridge above town. After 11 hours in the car, we heated up the spaghetti I had made the night before and updated the blog.

Tomorrow, we hope to ride or run in Roseburg, OR, and then we head to my brother's in North Bend, OR, for a visit.

Ellen and John


  1. Do you guys have a place you put the majority of your photos online? Would love to see some of the flower shots in larger format.

    Kathleen and I agree that you guys are taking up the void we create by the way we vacation. It's like the exact opposite and that is great. I get to read about it and don't have to live it. You can read about ours and not have to take part in cruises and European churches. LOL Thanks for letting us travel along.

    1. It was nice of you to follow our blog. I am sure all the driving logistics, eating in, and mountain bike adventures are not your style at all--as you say, we are polar travel opposites!

      We will eventually post more pictures on Picassa, but it will take some time to process them. We select the best ones and make adjustments individually in Camera RAW. John will have his done long before mine since I have to work.

      I'll let you know if and when we post to Picassa.


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