Day 9: One last stop

We awoke at 6:15 without an alarm, and showered in anticipation of a wonderful breakfast! Laura made some scrumptious banana muffins, and Charlie made a potato hash with fresh tomatoes. It was so good! We loaded up the car one last time, and as we started off, I said, let's just use your phone for navigation since you already have our planned ride in your Google Maps. Had I used mine like we had for the entire rest of the trip, I would have realized I left it on the nightstand. Shoot! Laura is mailing it to me tomorrow. That's why I have no photos for today or yesterday. Anyway, the folks we talked to on the ride yesterday recommended a ride that would be somewhat on our way home from Charlie's at Alsea Falls, so we headed for it. We arrived shortly before 11:00 (took us 2 3/4 hours) and got ready to ride. I studied the map at the reader board and worked out a ride, but just before we headed up, a local told us how to do it. We rode a paved road all the way to the top, ...